Monday, July 27, 2009

My Morgan!

When it was time to plant the garden, Morgan really wanted to plant Marigolds. After patiently waiting 3 weeks or so... nothing ... I had gotten some Zinnia's for her to plant, and plant she did! We have quite a few, we had many more start to come up, but they were eaten before we had the 2nd layer of fence up around our garden! Now, we have had many pretty Zinnia's that are constantly blooming. While I was diligently pruning my out of control tomato plants, Morgan was outside the garden watching. I seen a Zinnia that had broke at the stem, but the flower was still alive. I clipped it and gave it to her. She ran off for quite some time with it. Morgan came back and was talking with me, while I was still diligently working in the garden with Logan ~ still pruning! She asked me if I could clip another flower for her, "the beautiful red one, maybe just under the leaf" I clipped the flower for her and she was on her way again. During all of this Jason had been mowing the lawn. When Jason came to the garden to donate grass clippings, he asked where Morgan was, she hadn't been seen for a long time. I told him that she was going to the house to put her flower I cut for her in water, in her special cup from Kami's birthday. Logan went in the house to see how she was coming along and minutes later they came back to the garden [Because I was diligently clipping away my Ginormous Tomato plants] Morgan wanted Logan to tell me what he had seen and this is what he described!
I love being a Momma - even if she hasn't gotten the spelling quite write!


At July 28, 2009 at 6:37 PM , Blogger Robin said...

What a sweetie! (Morgan, that is).

At July 30, 2009 at 9:49 AM , Blogger Jason and Jessi said...

Wow! What a gorgeous flower!


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