Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Did It!

I did it! I used a pressure cooker for the first time and didn't damage anything! So proud of myself! I was going to wait, Jason's grandma had suggested many times that I save them and bring them to her house and we could can them together. However, when I woke up this morning ~ after a full nights sleep! ~ I felt like I wanted to figure this all out and just do it! So that I did! I did have to call my friend, who loaned me the pressure cooker to ask one question and she had my answer. Jason was on his way out the door, when I asked him what it meant to "exhaust the air" he started explaining it to me, and then I said, how does that happen if I put the bands on the jars, at the same time, I seen in the instructions "put the bands on loosely". Thank God Jason was still here and I asked him that one question. I was able to open the cooker, Jason loosened the lids (I had them on pretty tight) and I got them all put back in there and no jars exploded! I am feeling very accomplished! Now I have this urge to go to my garden and clean it up and see if there are more beans to pick - this is so much fun! Do the kids really need lunch?


At August 18, 2009 at 3:38 PM , Blogger Sandy said...

I just caught up on your blog - now I know why you haven't called to walk! I am so proud of all you are doing - reminds me of my younger days but I didn't have all those nice pictures and an internet....good thing, I couldn't have handled it!

Keep up the good work!

At August 18, 2009 at 8:11 PM , Blogger Robin said...

I want to see a jar explode.

At August 18, 2009 at 9:45 PM , Blogger *Ida* said...

Mrs. Bible ~ If you were a tiny speck that could withstand high amounts of steam and no air, then you could be in the pressure cooker with my too tight of lids and maybe take part in the explosion!


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